USARD      Meeting January 16 2016 Corning, NY


Attendees: Bill McGrath, Joe Gillotti, Charlie Kammer, Bill Mojica, Doug Morrow, Ron Church, John Flowers, Gary Gillotti, John Bosworth, Phyllis Gillotti, Bob Zarfoss


1.        Bill McGrath opening remarks, Bill handed out pending schedule of Convention 2016, handed the Trademark from the Secretary of State of Vermont to Joe Gillotti. Gave John Flowers original Photos of USARD. Reviewed the letter that stated that USARD would be performing at the tribute to Frederick Fennel. USARD was supposed to perform at the Theatre, voiced regret that didn’t happen.

2.        Gary Gillotti gave minutes from August 15th meeting. Minutes approved

3.        Joe Gillotti Membership Report; 105 active members, 4 business, 2 Complimentary, 5 Honorary, 10 Lifetime

4.        Treasury Report Phyllis Gillotti, N/A in minutes. Treasury report approved

5.        Open Slot for VP was filled by Charlie Kammer, approved by all

6.        Bill McGrath suggested a signup sheet for rehearsal rooms. Encourage people to be in the Ball Room when the performances and clinics are going on.

7.        Bill McGrath brought up that the Passing of the Torch was contingent on the Jr Corps that have been contacted

8.        Bill stated that there were 10 new items in this year’s Convention

9.         Clinicians for 2016

a.        Lee Caron

b.        Brendan Mason

c.        Michael Eagle

d.        John Donovan


10.     USARD will support NARD and Mark Beecher. However, Mark cannot make the Convention this year due to a commitment

11.     Bill McGrath stated that Chapter leaders need to encourage members to register for the Convention and make Hotel Reservations ASAP

12.     Tribute to those who we lost this past year

a.        Bill Hartmann

b.        Harold Green

c.        Michael Cahill

13.     The following will be recognized for Lifetime Achievements

a.        Paul Cormier

b.        Bill Maling

c.        Al Merritt

d.        Gerd Sommer

14.     Ron Church will develop displays for those being honored at this year’s Convention

15.     John Bosworth made a motion to add Gary Rockwell to the Advisory Committee; all agreed

16.     New Business, Doug Morrow proposed music composition competition for the Convention. Will have a proposal for next meeting. Joe and Gary Gillotti proposed Jr. Individual Competition for the USARD Convention. Proposal seemed to be well received, as long as it was just a Jr Competition. Was agreed that we experiment with a Jr Snare only competition this year suggested by John Bosworth. Competition Committee formed, Bill McGrath, Joe Gillotti, John Flowers, John Bosworth

17.     Charlie Kammer suggested a “Flash Mob” at the Danbury Mall, possibly that Friday during the day. Gary Gillotti will contact the Mall.

18.     Meeting Adjourned